Joey Gradepoint and the Redirects (UC Santa Cruz w/ Monte Brill)

Created by the Harris Family 11 years ago
As told by Redirects band member and Joe's very good pal Monte Brill: Joey Gradepoint and the Redirects arrived on the UC Santa Cruz scene shortly after Joe and Monte met in the fall of 1981. They were a sensation! For their big hit, "Born to be Mild" (played to Steppenwolf's Born to be Wild), Joe would drive out on a borrowed moped, set his briefcase (backgammon set) down and then get scolded by his "wife" (Kissy Suzuki) to do the dishes or else! Joe and Monte, ever fond of pyrotechnics, knew that the rock and roll stage was not set unless there was fire. They learned to make pillars of flame to delight their audience and singe their eyebrows. Per Monte: We would borrow shakers of Creamora nondairy creamer from the dining hall and use it to make an 8 foot column of flame that would excite the crowd every time. All you need to do is simply fill your fist with the powder and slowly pour it over a Bic lighter. Once it started, release the rest from your hand and stand back! Joey Gradepoint and the Redirects--Rock on!!

